Gourmet Food Prepared by Hospitality Students

Lunch Service Times

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Hospitality Management Building.

Student-Run Lunches

The menu and operation is planned and executed by Mission College's Hospitality Management students. In the final phases of their education, the students are eager to display their training and creative talents.

The Bistro is located at the end of Parking Lot C in the Freeberg Hospitality Management Building.

This student-run operation houses the program's capstone courses, as well as an extensive catering operation. These two components provide the dynamic hands-on experiences necessary in the culinary industry.

Nearby for Lunch

The Bistro is great for lunch and is near Levi's Stadium, Great America, and surrounding businesses.

The Menu

Immerse yourself in the passion and skill of our students in their final phases of Hospitality Management education.

Parking Permit

Download your free permit to park on the Mission College campus.