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NextUP at Mission College

NextUP is a supplemental program of EOPS that supports your educational goals and well-being as a current and former foster youth. As an eligible student, you'll receive additional support beyond what EOPS and the College normally provides.

NextUp graphic.

What is NextUP?

NextUP provides community college students
like you with resources that make a difference. Receive help with books and supplies, transportation, food and emergency housing.

Sometimes the hardest part about getting your college education is steering your way around all the bumps in the road. Most students will face challenges throughout this journey. That’s where NextUP comes in.

NextUP students become EOPS students.

Some of the Benefits NextUP Provides Include:

Eligibility Includes:

  • Be a current or former foster youth whose dependency or wardship was established or continued by the court on or after the youth's 13th birthday.
  • Must be under the age of 26 at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Enrolled in at least nine (9) units (Exemptions can be made with director’s approval).

Complete the Mission Support Form

Additional Resources